
App Icons (Manual Install with Shortcuts)

App Icons (Manual Install with Shortcuts)

1. Step One

Launch the Shortcuts app on your iPhone or iPad. The Shortcuts app is free from Apple if you don’t already have it. Tap the + icon in the top-right corner of the screen. Tap Add Action. 

2. Step Two

Use the text field to search for “Open App“. Select Open App. Tap Choose.

3. Step Three

Once you have tapped Choose, search for the app you want to change the icon of, and select it. For this tutorial, we select “Instagram”. Tap the three dots in the top-right corner. Tap Add to Home Screen.

4. Step Four

Tap the placeholder app icon. From the drop-down menu, select Take Photo, Choose Photo, or Choose File, depending on where your replacement app icon image is located. Select your replacement image from your installed app icon pack.

5. Step Five

In the text field, rename the app as you want it to appear on the home screen. Tap Add. Tap Done. Your Shortcut has now been created. Return to the home screen.